Can't help it: I love a good, solid imaginary world.
Worldbuilding is a fantastic skill an author can apply to make their novel stand out that little bit more.
I am a sucker for different worlds. Not because I don't like the one we live it, but because I believe, that every story deserves its own world, its own rules and its own, unique reality.
Think J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Stephen King, Douglas Adams... You get the picture it! Worlds come to life your very mind when a writer is also a good world- painter.
Cosied up in your favourite spot, reading, immersing yourself, discovering and sometimes getting lost. Just to resurface again and feel awed. Bliss!
Well - t'is not easy to build a new world from scratch.
One doesn't have to, though. There is enough left unexplored in our own world and those niches provide an excellent basis for some lavish embellishment-via-imagination. Access to alien habitats is becoming easier and easier with information technology at our fingertips.
Worldbuilding is a fantastic skill an author can apply to make their novel stand out that little bit more.
I am a sucker for different worlds. Not because I don't like the one we live it, but because I believe, that every story deserves its own world, its own rules and its own, unique reality.
Think J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Stephen King, Douglas Adams... You get the picture it! Worlds come to life your very mind when a writer is also a good world- painter.
Cosied up in your favourite spot, reading, immersing yourself, discovering and sometimes getting lost. Just to resurface again and feel awed. Bliss!
Well - t'is not easy to build a new world from scratch.
One doesn't have to, though. There is enough left unexplored in our own world and those niches provide an excellent basis for some lavish embellishment-via-imagination. Access to alien habitats is becoming easier and easier with information technology at our fingertips.
Why not visit the Deep Sea (hydrothermal) vents, which have only been discovered a mere 40 years ago.
I find them fascinating! They support previously unknown and inconceivable life forms, many of which still have to be discovered yet. A completely unique and almost inaccessible ecosystem forms around those 'black smokers'.
One doesn't have to venture as far as the oceanic basin to discover new worlds. Reading about rare habitats, new species, and different cultures can provide the mind with enough fuel to get a blazing fire going. And all of this is happening on our very own planet!
One can also venture into outer space, via the highest mountain ranges into the stratosphere and beyond into parallel universes - it is a very personal choice.
Get inspired by looking at images from the Hubble Space Telescope. They are awesome! Or scan the images, the Cassini spacecraft sent back to Earth from Saturn. Trawl the web ad lib.
There are a lot of worlds out there, and each and every one of them might just capture your imagination. Happy discovering!
Get inspired by looking at images from the Hubble Space Telescope. They are awesome! Or scan the images, the Cassini spacecraft sent back to Earth from Saturn. Trawl the web ad lib.
There are a lot of worlds out there, and each and every one of them might just capture your imagination. Happy discovering!